Git Life: Simplified with Rebase

How rebasing remove the clutter, mess, and pain of merging.

Wulan Mantiri
7 min readMar 22, 2021

This article is written as an individual review assignment for PPL CS UI 2021.

They say, if you never used rebase while working in a team with git, you are doing it wrong.

If you are unfamiliar with the git commands: push, pull, and merge, sadly this article is not for you yet.

Here, we will cover the essence of git rebase, the difference between merge vs rebase, and the confidence of when to use rebase.

The Essence

What is Rebase?

In the simplest words, rebase is the process of combining commits that exist in two separate branches into one straight line.

The following is the general process of how rebase takes place:

the workflow of rebasing PBI-1-feature branch onto staging branch

The above diagram is achieved by executing git rebase staging (or git pull --rebase origin staging) command, while being on the PBI-1-feature branch.

What rebase does is that it changes the base commit of PBI-1-feature branch from commit A to commit C of the staging branch. This creates the “illusion” as if either

  • we have moved the content (commits D and E) of PBI-1-feature branch to accommodate the latest changes (commits B and C) from staging branch, or
  • we have created our PBI-1-feature branch from commit C instead of commit A from the beginning.

Behind the scenes, Git accomplishes this powerful “re-writing commit history” tool by overriding the content of PBI-1-feature branch with brand new commits (commits D’’ and E’’) and applying them to the specified base. In an automated rebase, the new commits D’’ and E’’ will contain the exact same changes of commits D and E respectively to form one linear flow of A -> B -> C -> D'' -> E''.

The Difference

Now that we are aware of rebase, does it seem familiar with other commands that we know? If you have not noticed, git rebase or git pull --rebase command shares the same fundamental purpose with git merge or git pull command. Both of them solve the problem of integrating changes from one branch onto another — just in a totally different manner.

Merge vs Rebase

Supposed we have begun working on our PBI-1-feature branch (see the diagram above), and we encounter one of these three scenarios:

  • We want to merge our changes to staging branch through a merge request (or pull request), but there are merge conflicts.
  • Our work is dependent on our teammate’s work contained in commits B and C, therefore we want to get the latest changes from staging branch.
sample of passing our work to our teammate’s feature
  • [Advanced] Our work is a part of stacked merge requests, e.g. staging -> PBI-1-feature -> PBI-2-feature2. After PBI-1-feature has been merged, we want to merge PBI-2-feature2 next. However, PBI-2-feature2 still carries the commits from PBI-1-feature when compared with staging, which typically results in merge conflicts.
sample merge request that is a part of stacked MRs (some commits and changes are already in staging)
after rebasing, the number of commits and changes went down. pretty cool huh?

First, we would want to update our local staging branch with the changes on the public staging branch through these set of commands:

git checkout staging (go to staging)
git pull origin staging (fetch latest changes)
git checkout PBI-1-feature (go back to our branch)
fetch latest changes from staging
back to our branch (in this case, PBI-1-form_components)

Now we are faced with two options: to merge or to rebase.

(Messy and Painful) Merge

The conventional and safer alternative is to merge by

git merge staging -or- git pull origin staging

which will result in a commit branch structure roughly like the following:

commit history after git pull/merge (commit BC* = merged commits from staging)
commit BC*:
Merge branch 'staging' into 'PBI-1-feature' -or-
<a custom commit, such as "Resolve conflicts from staging">
Commit F
Commit E
Commit D

Indeed, the strongest advantage of merge is that it preserves the commit history.

However, this also means that we have

  • An added clutter of our previous merged commits that is no longer necessary as they no longer reflect any changes,
  • An added mess as there is an extra merge commit that essentially does nothing, and
  • An added pain as we have to resolve all the conflicting changes inside the whole repository all at once

Not to mention, imagine having to repetitively pull the latest changes from staging. Our commit history will have been polluted with merge commits, and our precious time will be wasted on the tedious task of resolving conflicts.

(Simpler and More Effective) Rebase

This is where rebase comes to the rescue! We can rebase by

git rebase staging -or- git pull --rebase origin staging

thus resulting in the “same” commit history portrayed in the below diagram:

commit history after git rebase

During the rebase process, git will go through the newly fetched commits from staging branch (commits B and C) one at a time. If git detects a conflict on a commit, git will ask for our help to apply the correct changes by outlining the commit and what files need to be resolved in the terminal.

At this point, you are given two options:

  • Resolve the conflicts manually by git add/rm <changed_files> and git rebase --continue. We usually go with this option if the conflict exists on commits that are not our own but have changes on the same files we are working on.
  • Skip the conflict (auto-accepting incoming changes from staging) with git rebase --skip command.

Once all the commits have been resolved either automatically by Git or manually by us, the rebase process is finished.

sample rebase process with rebase —skip option

The Confidence

With great power comes great responsibility.

Imagine a situation where you and person “A” have two different lives with a shared history, meaning both of you are writing your history together. At some point, both of you have a disagreement and would want to write the history with each of your desired solutions. As much as you are concerned, you can re-write the history with your solution, meanwhile person A also thinks the same way instead of resolving the conflict at hand. History inevitably diverges into two branches, each belonging to you and person “A”.

This also applies to Git.

The golden rule of rebase is to not use it on public branches unless given consent to do so.

Every person have their own local git history in their respective devices and shares the same public branches, e.g. staging and master. Needless to say, if you are re-writing the history for a public branch, it will result in your version of the public branch differing from the version other users are working with. Believe me, this will result in a very confusing situation.

So, in particular to the powerful rebase tool, the responsibility is that you can only re-write the commit history on the branch that you, and only you, are contributing on, and you will be living life just fine.

Golden rule of git rebase: Do NOT use it on public branches.

Key Selling Points

Usage of Merge

One sample case where merge comes in handy is applying squash and merge option to a public branch. A squashed commit to represent the entire branch is arguably the best option if our main goal is to keep a public branch clean with a preserved commit history.

applying squash and merge from branch PBI-1-form_components to branch staging

Usage of Rebase

We successfully get rid of the added mess and pain of merging, while maintaining a clean commit history and dealing with conflicts more effectively. Seems pretty easy, right?

Other than that, as long as you apply the golden rule of rebasing, you are free to re-write history as much as you like.

a shared linear flow of branch staging and PBI-1-form_components after rebasing

Happy rebasing!

